June 6th, 2016

Go-Global in Burkina Faso

In January INUK sent a team of 12 people to visit our work in Burkina Faso. The group was a good mix of people, including two of our trustees Tony Tyrell and Philip Wolstenholme. The whole team brought a great set of skills.

The trip was a chance to see the work of the medical centre including the new maternity unit that is currently being built. It was an exciting opportunity to see the new medical facility being erected that will serve many families and provide mothers a safe place to give birth.

The team visited the IN schools including both the secondary and the new primary school which opened in October 2015. They were able to meet the headmaster, teachers and all of the students. Some of the team enjoyed going into the classes to help out with the teaching.

The trip provided opportunities for many individuals to meet with their sponsored children and families. All could see first hand the impact that assisting a child is having have on both the individual and their family. The group was also able to visit the local area including the market and the Mosque, with a day trip to Banfora to see hippos on Lake Tengrela and the local waterfalls.”

Burkina Faso is just one of the places that you can visit on a Go-Global trip. We are excited to have two further trips this year in June and July that are both going out to see our project work in Uganda. There are still places available on the June trip which takes place from the 2-13th. If you are interested in joining this or would like to find out more about our Go-Globals then please do get in contact with Sarah Fletcher sarah@ineeds.org.uk.