Empowering families: International Needs is a worldwide development agency, working to help all families who are suffering through poverty and crises to create a sustainable future. Through all that we do, we seek to serve God and share the good news of Jesus.

Our vision

All families will have access to basic resources freeing them from hunger, fear and poverty, so that each family member can live a life that allows them to develop their full potential. This is a vision that stems directly from a declaration from Jesus:

“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10)

Faith matters

Every year, International Needs helps thousands of the world’s poorest and most disadvantaged children to access education. Through WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) projects, we provide safe, clean water. Through Livelihood projects, we help families learn how to develop better yields from farming, and support families with disabled children to find acceptance and inclusion in the community. All of this strives to bring timely support to communities who most need it.

Why ‘driven by faith’? Can’t we just be Christians who do good work, like so many other outstanding agencies that offer development without aligning with a particular faith perspective?

The answer is that Jesus Christ is the only saving message for humanity, and faith in him is paramount. We don’t just try to do good works in Jesus’ name; we want to be like him, a Saviour who loves us and gave himself up for us.

Our Christian faith is the catalyst for our development programmes. Like Jesus, we apply ourselves practically to some of the world’s most desperate situations with servant hearts – listening to and partnering with those we seek to assist, guided by their needs and by the Holy Spirit’s compassion.

But let’s be clear, we meet the needs of families of all faiths and none. We never require participation in spiritual activities or confessions of faith in order for people to receive help or access our programmes.

Our mission

To bring sustainable change by making people aware of the plight of families within our project communities, and connecting people to provide resources focused on transforming the lives of those communities. We empower financially poor and marginalised people in order to restore their physical, emotional, social and spiritual identity.

We do this by…

  • Implementing relief and development projects which strive for ongoing sustainability
  • Raising awareness of the plight of families
  • Partnering with local leaders within the International Needs network in 30 countries around the world
  • Partnering with trusts, churches, companies and individuals
  • Connecting people through short-term trips to families in our project communities
  • Investing in education and training for local partners
our values


We are Christian and our inspiration is the love of God in Jesus Christ.

All families

All families

The family – in all its various forms – is greatly valued



We believe in hope and do not accept the status quo.



Local people are best placed to make a difference to the lives of local families.



We value and support people of all ages, faiths and races, making no distinction.



Commitment to excellence in aid and development projects with full transparency to our supporters.

International team

Filled with hope, driven by faith

Meet our team