February 1st, 2017

A New Year and A New Us

This year we are launching The International Needs Family.

This is a membership body of supporters who have committed to give to our work on a monthly basis. Regular giving is a valuable platform of funding allowing us to commit to our project partners for the long-term, as they combat poverty in their communities. This group of supporters stands with us in believing that we can bring real change for families suffering in poverty. No matter how large or small the donation is, if you give monthly, you are a member.

To join the family, you can choose to support our projects in: Water, Livelihoods, Health, Human Rights, Church Support, Education, Child Sponsorship or Where The Need Is Greatest. Members receive two reports every year about the impact of their support.


Around the world, we support thousands of families in complex and varied life situations, battling disease, drought, conflict and poverty. As we work with our partners to best support their needs, we want to bring supporters together here in the UK as a family of support. Will you join our International Needs Family today? CLICK HERE


If you sponsor a child with us, you are already a member and will be receiving a letter shortly to welcome you. Thank you for giving monthly to help a child get an education.

“So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” Romans 12:5

We invite our family members to pray for the impact of our work, that we are able to truly help more and more families around the world to create a sustainable future.

We support ALL families, regardless of shape or size, religion or creed. In Uganda this may be a child-headed family where they have lost their parents due to HIV/ Aids. In Kenya it may be a group of Street Youths who learn to stick together to get by.

nepal lydia ladies 2

West African family

Thank you for reading! Get in touch to learn more about our IN Family: alim@ineeds.org.uk or 01883 331331



Written by Ali Macnaughton 01/02/2017