An IN Family Get-Together

Join us on Thursday 5 December at 7:30pm.

This special, fun, online event will be an opportunity to update you about IN’s impact around the world this year, and to learn more about IN’s work among young Ukrainian refugees who have temporarily taken up residence in neighbouring Romania after fleeing the war. This is the focus of our fundraising activity for the rest of 2024.

The event will include contributions from our team in Sighisoara, and some of the youngsters themselves. We’ll find out about Ukrainian festive traditions, enjoy some Christmas songs and test our knowledge about all things Ukraine! And of course, we’ll experience the wonder of the nativity through a slightly different lens as well.

We’d love for you to join us, and would be grateful if you could register your participation below so that we can send you a link nearer the time. We also plan to make some of the content available separately through our website, if you are planning any IN fundraisers or other special events in your own churches, etc, this Christmas.

We hope to see you with a mince pie and favourite tipple in hand on 5 December!

Sign up here: